SMU - Slovak Medical University
SMU stands for Slovak Medical University
Here you will find, what does SMU stand for in Institution under Education category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Slovak Medical University? Slovak Medical University can be abbreviated as SMU What does SMU stand for? SMU stands for Slovak Medical University. What does Slovak Medical University mean?Slovak Medical University is an expansion of SMU
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Alternative definitions of SMU
- Singapore Management University
- Simula, Inc.
- Sailor Moon Universe
- Svenska Missionskyrkans Ungdom
- Special Make Up
- Scale Models Unlimited
- Suburban Multiple Unit
- Source Measurement Unit
View 48 other definitions of SMU on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- SSV Specialty Sports Venture
- SCHHS St Charles Home Health Services
- SHP Sutton Housing Partnership
- SNU Seoul National University
- SDN The Stanford Daily Newspaper
- SAM South Australian Museum
- SJH St Joes Hospital
- SGCN Saudi German Co. for Nonwovens
- STC Stone Temple Consulting
- SCL Southern Communications Ltd
- SMMC Saddleback Memorial Medical Center
- SJRA San Jose Redevelopment Agency
- SDRC Southern Downs Regional Council
- SUHWC Spa Utopia Health and Wellness Center
- SAT South American Tours
- SGBS Storm Group – Better Sales
- SPB Somerset Patriots Baseball
- SHC School of the Holy Child
- SDK Schechter Dokken Kanter
- SML Social Me Ltd.